Sunday, March 21, 2010


Yesterday was a weird day. It was the first day of Spring and mother nature announced this to Kansas City by dumping at least 1 foot of snow, ice, and freezing cold weather on us. When one lives in the midwest one has to expect the unexpected weatherise. I have family in from out of town and they mean the world to us so we were looking forward to having dinner with them and some other family last night but the weather put a damper on those plans. My husband & I ended up by ourselves at the restaurant which was fine because we always enjoy time together. We had a wonderfully yummy organic, vegan meal. After dinner my husband wanted to go check out a shop about a block away so we went. It was nice because the weather kept most people home so the shops were not busy. My husband has always enjoyed shopping even if that means we are just browsing b/c we are broke. It is both a curse & a blessing to have a husband that enjoys browsing the racks, looking through the shelves of stuff and waiting outside of the dressing room to critique,honestly, the shirt or jeans I am trying on. So I ended up spending money on myself that I had earmarked for something else. No matter. It was fun. I waited in the car while he went into another shop and the weirdest scene played out right in front of me. A woman decked out in an obviously real fur coat,lots of jewelry & makeup was walking toward the car parked directly in front us. She smiled at me and I smiled back even though the fact that she was wearing a fur automatically sends negative thoughts of her to my mind. She open the door to the back seat of her car and took off the coat. She very carefully folded it and laid it in the back seat. Then she got in the driver's seat. The headlights came on & I noticed that I did not hear the familiar engine noise. "Could this woman be driving a Prius?" I thought to myself... noway. Way...she was driving a Prius. How strange is it that a woman could wear the skin & fur of animals cruelly killed so she could buy that coat but have conscious enough to be driving a Prius. It is a crazy world we live in. So we joked about this on the drive home and once there started working on a project my husband had taken on in order to live his dream. We are both really excited about it. He was so happy & excited he just kept talking as I was trying to go to sleep. It makes my heart happy to see him like this even though he deals with the craziness of having a serious health issue everyday. I know it seems like I am rambling on but what I want to share is the idea that in everything there is meaning. It might seem mundane or small but these experiences make up our experiences and our lives. So we need to be able to appreciate them. The littlest things count. I have learned to do this and it feels great. I appreciate stuff that I never would have given a second thought to a few years ago. Lets see how I do today at work. Have a positive day. Take note of the opportunities & experiences each new day brings. I promise they are there.

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