Sunday, January 10, 2010

New year,New juicer

Our new juicer had its' maiden voyage last night and was it ever successful. We purchased a masticating juicer,our first and there is a huge difference. I got more juice with fewer veggies than ever before and the pulp was totally dry. A masticating juicer costs more but it is obvious to me that we will save money in the end at the grocery store. A first time thing last night...3 juicing carrots &7 celery stalks made enough juice for me & my husband. This would not be possible with our 2 previous juicers. I am so happy & excited to have this appliance in my kitchen. It also grinds spices, nuts, makes nut butters, pastas, baby food all kinds of stuff.
So if you are looking for a juicer I highly recommend a masticating juicer over a centuifuge juicer. We bought the Omega 8004 from Omega juicers. They have a polished reputation and offer nice warranties.

Happy juicing!


  1. According to everything I've read, a masticating juicer is far better nutrionally than a centrifugal one. I have a Champion I bought used, and when it dies, I hope to upgrade to an Omega. I've already replaced the screen and cutter.

    happy juicing!

  2. Congrats on the new juicer. I'm love my vitamix, but would like to upgrade to a masticating juicer.
